Thursday, December 9, 2010
Hapi Theme
Friday, November 19, 2010
I guess the best way to approach this is to provide an example in which an engineer might be faced with and to tell how ethics applies.
So, say you are an engineer and you are working on a project for a company. The project you are working on is building a new facility for the company that hired your company to build it for them. You have scouted out various locations and the costumer and your company have agreed on one location. You are all set to build this new facility, the contract is signed and both sides are happy that this will be a successful venture. However, as you get ready to build, environmental engineers on your team come to you a tell you that the soil in which the company wants to build this new facility is unstable and could possible cause further problems for the costumer. The engineers do not know if indeed the building was built, if the unstable soil could cause problems, since they believe, that if they build a sturdy enough facility, the soil will not factor into problems for this new facility. However, you are unsure of this assessment. What should you do?
Should you tell the costumer about this soil defect and that it might cause problems for the costumer in the future, or should you keep quiet, since there is an uncertainty of the soil even making an impact on the facility. If you should tell them, there is a possibility that you will lose this consumer and the income that your company desperately needs to keep in business. What should you do?
This is an example of engineering ethics between the consumer and yourself. The ethics of it, is whether or not you should tell your costumer of problems that could impact them after the transaction between you is done. In this case it is a point about the soil and this causing future problems for the building (sink holes, mud slides, etc). At this point what you need to ask yourself is what is right and wrong. This is a difficult situation because if you do tell them and you lose this contract, you could lose your job, since the company needs the money that this contract will provide to keep afloat. If you don't you could end up with a guilty conscience if the soil in fact causes problems for the costumer. These are hard questions and ones that an engineer must ask, it is engineering ethics.
Another way you can approach this is if you don't tell, them and something happens, could you get sued and if you get sued is there a possibility that you can lose. This is a very harsh view, but it does get to the bottom of ethics. What is right and what is wrong. If you do get sued and lose, does this mean that your ethics are in question because you did not tell your costumer? It is a hard question to answer because ethics varies from person to person. It all depends on you and what you believe is right and wrong, and also if it is illegal or not.
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Communicating, Writing, Presentations in Engineering
Writing is a key aspect in engineering. Throughout the cycle of the project, who ever is the head of the project needs to be kept updated on the accomplishments of the team members on the project. To do this there are reports that are written to keep the head boss informed of what had occurred. This is essential to the development of the project because it makes sure that the boss, the person who organizes everything is on the same communication level as everybody else.
Presentations are also another key aspect of engineering. When trying to get funding for a new project the person must present what they want to make and how it will be good for this person or company to fund the project. The communication needs to be technical, but not too technical so that the fundy can follow what the project will do and if he/she can make money off it.
Communication is all around us, whether it is in everyday things, like where you are meeting your friends, to getting funding for a project that you want to do. Communication is important. Not only does it help get people to understand you it also helps you understand yourself. What I mean is that often times it is easier to communicate to either talking or writing things down. In certain situations, it helps to write what you mean down and in others communicating or talking helps in presenting the idea you have. Simply put it's whether you want to text someone or call them to communicate what you want to tell that person.
Communication is important because without it nothing would get done.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
So, the week and half after I got the assignment to meet new people and network, I decided to go to the Career College Fair the Wednesday and Thursday after I received the assignment. This was my first step in trying to improve both my communication (missing basics) and my networking skills in the business world. I have never been to a Career Fair, so it was a very new experience for me. As I walked around the fair trying to get up the courage to go to talk to someone, I noticed, that some people did not have any reservations about talking to the recruiters. I decided if these people can do it, I can too. I walked up to a recruiter and asked them about the company. He explained in great detail many computer terms that I had no idea what they were. I just nodded my head. After I thanked him for his time I walked away. That did not go well at all. However, I am not a person who takes defeat bad. I shook off the failure and after another minute or so, went to another recruiter and started talking to them. The second try at networking went better than the first, but I wasn't really interested in the company and I don't think it went well at all. The second attempt did not go so well either, but I thought I was getting a little better.
Finally, I went to a third recruiter. He was a recruiter for a railroad company looking to hire all types of engineers. I was interested in the company and I think it went pretty well. I learned more about the company and was given a worksheet about the company if I was interested, however they were mainly looking for sophomores and juniors for their summer internship. Yet, the recruiter encouraged me to apply next year and even took my resume! I was happy, I had started networking. Maybe he was just being nice, but I was excited I had started to become more comfortable in trying to network. That didn't mean I was good at it, but I was getting better. I had found a network that if I wanted, I could pursue and have someone know who I was.
After that success, I went to one more booth before I had to leave, in hopes to achieve a network, I got a piece of paper instead. However, the piece of paper had all I needed to know about the company (Rosetta Stone) and talked about the different internships open to me. It was very informative and I found that I was very interested in one of the research opportunities. The career fair was a good experience for me. I didn't get any neat objects, all I got were papers, however, it was a very good experience and helped me in developing my networking and communication skills.
I can't wait until next week for the engineering expo, in which I will have another opportunity to improve my networking and communication (missing basics) skills.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The MIssing Basics
In life we are constantly learning and applying what we learn to certain aspects of life. However, we cannot improve our quality of work if we did not learn it first. In the missing basics there are multiple basics that have not be taught to engineering students, but are required in the work force. Out of the seven missing basics, three really jumped out at me. Inability to communicate, inability to label, and inability to visualize are the three missing basics that are my weaknesses.
Inability to communicate is a skill that I want to improve upon. I must admit that the ability to communicate is not one of my strengths and is rather one of my weaknesses. I struggled through high school trying to improve my communication skills; however, even though I have improved, I am still not great at communicating. Communication is an essential part of the work force. One has to communicate what they are working on to their manager who may not know the technical terms engineering has. In order to improve my communication skills I will improve on talking more because I do not talk much. This will help me in practicing talking with others. Practice makes perfect and if I talk more to communicate my ideas and thoughts, hopefully, my communication skills will be better.
The inability to label is also a weakness. The ability to label is a key aspect in communicating what you are doing. Many times instead of trying to learn new words for technology I fall back into comfortable terms. I stay in my comfort level in not gaining new labels for new technology. In order to be successful in a work place and in life in general, I need to extend my comfort level and learn new words and labels of technology. In order to do this I will strive to learn all I can about new technologies and labels of key aspects of engineering. I will also try to use these new labels when I communicate every day in order to integrate the new labels into my everyday life.
The inability to visualize is also a weakness I have. Again, I do not go outside my comfort level and instead when faced with a problem I fall back on solutions that are manageable. I have trouble visualizing the solutions to problems. To improve on this I will try to visualize the solutions to problems so that I will have a greater time in describing the solution to others. This also ties in with my inability to communicate and my inability to label.
The required classes that I need to take are mostly academic based (math and science) and do not have the missing basics taught in the class. I will not get as much exposure to the missing basics as I will math and science, so I need to be extra diligent on making sure that I learn the missing basics so that I am successful after college and in the work force.